16 Sep
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**Introduction** Imagine a startling statistic that reveals a profound shift in our American reality: Researchers from Stanford University's Center on Longevity predict that one in every two five-year-olds today will reach the age of 100. What's e...
07 Jul
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In the words of Jim Rohn, "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." It's a sentiment that often gets lost in our busy lives, but it's one we should take to heart, especially in our mid-30s. In today's world, the approach to heal...
02 May
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In our fast-paced millennial lives, the thought of dying isn’t a topic we'd rather not entertain. However, beneath our daily hustle and bustle, there lies a shared aspiration among many of us in our mid-30s – to lead a long, healthy, and fulfilli...